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LTO Tape Backup; The Benefits of Buying LTO as a Storage Solution

LTO Tape Backup; The Benefits of Buying LTO as a Storage Solution

Big Data, Cloud Storage and Security are buzzwords in today’s enterprise environments. The amount of data being generated and stored is growing exponentially. LTO(Linear Tape Open) Tape’s high capacity and dependability provide users with years of security and protection at a considerably lower cost than comparable storage solutions. With Linear Tape File System(LTFS) it is easy to access, archive and protect the data that is crucial to you business operations. It delivers large storage capacity, lightening speed and makes it easy to view and share your files.

Low Cost

The cost per gigabyte for tape and disk continue to get lower. Tape has an edge over disk in total cost of ownership when floor space, energy use and equipment are all factored into calculating the cost. The cost of using LTO is less than a penny per gigabyte. Long term archiving requires thought on a multitude of factors; equipment, media, maintenance, energy cost, real estate(floor space.) These costs can be significant and it is important that capacity is maximized while minimizing overhead cost. For long term data storage LTO technology has a 577% return on investment(Based on ESG study.) That is amazing considering you can utilize the extra capital in areas of your business that need it the very most.


Data is valuable, so is protecting it. Online data storage solutions are susceptible to compromise and corruption from multiple threats. It can be hacked by Black Hat actors, destroyed by natural disaster, a RAID folder can just be accidentally deleted or a system error can destroy files. Three out of four businesses have experienced a data disaster that exposed them to damage.Software gets corrupted, viruses infect computers exposing personal information. LTO solves these problems by isolating your sensitive data from the bugs and viruses that occur during continuous disc backup. It provides a true gap that protects you data from viruses and ransomware threats. It has hardware based encryption that provides tape level algorithm that has no effect on compression, performance or capacity. A WORM(Write Once Read Many) option can store data in a non-re-writable format, addressing compliance regulations. LTO is a safe option to ensure your data is protected and secure.


Tape technology, being largely inert, produces almost zero CO2 over the same time frame as disc. Although hidden the environmental costs of data storage are actually substantial. Running all year long three petabytes of storage can produce over 14 metric tons of CO2. With this in mind environmentally conscious companies are moving rarely accessed data to tape in order to reduce the amount of carbon emissions from their operations. LTO tape beats both could and disc in carbon footprint reduction. HDD systems use 70 times the energy as a tape system.


Tape storage delivers a better bit error rate than disc, giving you the confidence to know you data will be there when you need it! It has a shelf life of 30 years. Once your data is written there is no need to worry about it. It WILL be there. Once it is written it is immediately verified by the “Read After Write” technology. By diversifying your storage practice(Disc-Disc-Tape) is the best you ensure you data will always be available. Even when a disaster strikes with LTO you can rest knowing your vital data is safe.

Streaming Performance

The latest generation of LTO Tape Drives can maintain a compressed data transfer rate of up to 750MB/Second this means that it can handle the most demanding applications. The IDC predicts that the amount of data will reach more than 163 zettabytes by 2025. Accessing and analyzing this data is crucial to application performance. Can tape do this? YES! It is a misconception that tape is slower than disc, in fact it is FASTER. Data transfer on tape is straightforward and with LTO 8 technology you can enjoy read/write speeds of 360 MB/Second as compared to the typical 7,200 RPM hard drive at 160MB/Second. So if performance is a consideration know that tape actually outperforms other storage technologies on the market.


Tapes are durable and portable. Far less fragile than a hard drive. They can be inexpensively transported and stored. With the operating system’s graphical file management system and directory tree, utilizing the data on an LTO cartridge is a drag and drop operation. It can be used across multiple hardware platforms.Think of LTO as “low-cost high bandwidth in a box”

LTO 8 provides 12TB per cartridge(30 TB compressed,) LTO 9 24Tb per cartridge(60TB compressed.) It is a safe, secure, reliable and fast storage solution that protects your vital data.

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